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Deux enfants tués dans des accidents de la circulation à Brooklyn

Accidents de la circulation à Brooklyn

Last week in Brooklyn, two children were fatally hit by vehicles in a traffic accident, while walking to school. The first death occurred last Tuesday when a ten-year-old girl crossing…

Les médecins peuvent-ils effectuer des examens pelviens sans demander ?

examen pelvien sans consentement

Before she had stomach surgery at an Arizona hospital, Janine specifically told doctors she did not want a pelvic exam. They gave her one anyway. And, this was not an…

Défi "Skull Breaker" de TikTok : aussi dangereux que cela puisse paraître

TikTok Skull Breaker Challenge

The dangerous and possibly fatal stunt began in Spain and has spread worldwide. Already, several U.S. children have sustained permanent injuries while partaking in the challenge. In the Rompecráneos (skull…

Une infection hospitalière tue un patient cardiaque infantile

Infection par les moisissures chez bébé

Baby Elizabeth Hutt survived multiple open heart surgeries during her first six months of life, but she could not survive an Aspergillus Mold infection she contracted in a hospital emergency…

Walgreen's in Hot Water Over Phony Pharmacist

Pharmacien Walgreens $7.5M

La chaîne de pharmacies a accepté de payer $7,5 millions d'amende après qu'un pharmacien non agréé de plusieurs sites de la baie de San Francisco ait exécuté illégalement plus de 700 000 ordonnances sur une période de dix ans….