$250,000 Private Mediation

Our clients were stopped at a red light when a commercial truck improperly reversed, striking the front of our clients’ vehicle.  Both sustained soft tissue injuries to their cervical and…

$500,000 Private Mediation

Our client was driving for Uber and was stopped in a parking lane on Old Northern Boulevard in Roslyn, NY, when the defendant’s vehicle was exiting a restaurant parking lot…

$750,000 Private Mediation

Our client was traveling on Willets Point Boulevard in Queens, New York when the defendant’s vehicle ran the stop sign at 15th Drive, violently striking the driver’s side of our…

$450,000 老人ホーム決済

この過失事件は、シラキュース地域の養護施設の居住者 (私たちのクライアント) がステージ IV の褥瘡に苦しんでいたことに関係しています。

$1,320,000 陪審評決
