カテゴリーアーカイブ: Personal Injury

多くの人身傷害は、多額の医療費や経済的負担、さらに無形の損失につながる可能性があります。幸いなことに、他人の過失の被害者は、民事訴訟を通じて損害を回復することができます。自動車または航空事故、医薬品の欠陥、またはその他の過失に基づく事故で負傷した場合、PLCC の Napoli Shkolnik の弁護士は、あなたに代わって弁護する準備ができています。

What is Carlos’ Law and How Does It Affect Construction Accident Claims?

What is Carlos' Law?

S.621B/A.4947B, Carlo’s Law, took effect in January 2023 and could affect the amount of compensation in a job injury claim. However, for the most part, this criminal law doesn’t affect…

What Are the OSHA Fatal Four Construction Injuries?

What Are the OSHA Fatal Four Construction Injuries

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the Fatal Four construction injuries are the deadliest construction site injuries. Because of the high risk of serious injury, employers have a…

Occupational Injuries and Occupational Diseases: What’s the Difference?

Occupational Injuries and Occupational Diseases What is the Difference

In some ways, these two job injury claims are very different. Occupational injuries, like falls, usually happen suddenly and without warning. On the other hand, an occupational disease, according to…

Traumatic Brain Injuries: What You Should Know

Traumatic brain injuries can cause permanent damage

Moderate Traumatic Brain Injuries (mTBIs) mTBIs (concussions) might be the most common injury-related traumatic brain injury. The cumulative effect of mTBIs causes chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). Injury symptoms usually begin…

Terms to Know for a Personal Injury Claim

Terms to Know for a Personal Injury Claim

Sometimes, it’s hard to understand basic personal injury claim terms like tortfeasor and negligence. Like all attorneys, we sometimes speak in Legalese. That’s the language we learned. Furthermore, many of…