Épidémie d'opioïdes : une crise avec laquelle de nombreux Américains luttent

Opioid Epidemic in America

In 2015, the opioid epidemic in America took the lives of more than 33,000 people. These people come from all backgrounds and income levels, races and family types. Today, opioid overdosing kills nearly as many people as do car accidents, and heroin deaths alone kill more people than do gun homicides.

What’s Fueling the Opioid Epidemic?

Sadly, one of the things that may be fueling the opioid epidemic is likely the fact that doctors continue to prescribe opioid painkillers on a regular basis, often handing out these prescriptions when they are not medically necessary. In fact, prescriptions for opioids have increased dramatically in the past decade and a half; from 1999 to 2014, the number of prescriptions for opioids quadrupled, and an estimated one out of five patients with non-cancer pain or pain-related diagnoses continue to be prescribed opioids. Today, opioids are often prescribed by doctors to patients for the management of both acute and chronic pain, and may be prescribed for minor injuries, surgeries, and discomfort, such as tooth pain.

Have You Been Affected by Opioids?

Doctors should exercise a greater degree of care when prescribing opioids, which are highly addictive and can lead to misuse and potential overdose and death. They have known for a long time that opioids are more addicting than their manufacturers claim that they are.

The opioid crisis has evolved into a major public health concern and municipalities may require additional assistance to respond judiciously. Napoli Shkolnik’s Office of Governmental Opioid Affairs consists of an army of legal professionals dedicated to your best interests. Our avocats expérimentés will advise you as to all available legal options in order to quickly and efficiently recoup expenses from combatting this epidemic by holding the manufacturers and distributors accountable.

Individuals who may have been affected should seek treatment, although that can be very costly and not all insurances cover this type of rehabilitation. You should consult with an attorney to ensure you fully understand all of your options for recovery and recompense. An experienced attorney will have the ability to navigate the treacherous waters of the legal system on your behalf to get the maximum results possible for your case.

If you have been affected by an opioid prescription, or have lost a loved one to this terrible epidemic, our lawyers at the law offices of Napoli Shkolnik PLLC want to consult with you. Please contactez-nous aujourd'hui for a free, confidential case review.

Medical And Pharmacy Medical Malpractice? 

HBO a réalisé son documentaire sur les opioïdes («Avertissement : ce médicament peut vous tuer") disponible gratuitement.
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