Aktualizacja ugody dotyczącej pozwu zbiorowego Uber

lipiec 24, 2019

Źródło: Prawo360

A California federal judge has tentatively approved an increased $395,000 settlement in a class action alleging Uber denied drivers their fair share of riders' payments, saying the deal is still on the low end, but fair. The revamped deal made three notable changes, according to Judge Alsup. Each class member will receive at least $20 from the settlement, and any class members who were set to receive more than $20 based on their driving histories will still receive the same amount they were to get under the previous deal, according to the order. Additionally, Dulberg’s attorneys at Napoli Schoolnik PLLC agreed to cap their request for attorneys fees at 25% of the net settlement amount, down from the nearly 30% they had previously requested. Dulberg and the class are represented by Salvatore C. Badala of Napoli Shkolnik PLLC.

Polecani prawnicy

Adwokat Salvatore Badala

Salvatore C. Badala

Partner i Główny Radca Prawny

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