Environmental Litigation Attorneys

Nationwide Paraquat/Parkinson’s Disease Lawyers

Most people have probably never heard of MPTP (methyl phenyl tetrahydropyridine). This substance, which is related to opioid pain pills, destroys dopamine and other brain cells, especially in the cerebral cortex, triggering symptoms which greatly resemble Parkinson’s disease. In fact, researchers often use MPTP to study the effects of Parkinson’s disease and hopefully find a cure. Until the mid-1990s, scientists believed that only people who used heroin and other illegal drugs risked substantial MPTP exposure. Then, in 1997, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that paraquat, a commercial herbicide, was the primary vehicle for transmitting high levels of MPTP. Subsequent studies revealed that people who lived within 1,600 feet (about five football fields) of farms which used paraquat had a 75 percent higher chance of developing Parkinson’s disease. Despite the strong evidence linking paraquat to serious health problems, chemical companies continued to sell it, making hundreds of millions of dollars. These companies are determined to hold onto this market, regardless of the adverse health effects. So, if you or a loved one was injured, you need an equally determined paraquat/Parkinson’s attorney from Napoli Shkolnik on your side. In addition to the courage required, we also have the resources and experience to take on big chemical conglomerates. We have fought them before and won handily. Let us fight for you as well.

Paraquat Uses

This chemical, which first appeared in the early 1960s, is one of the most widely used herbicides in the world. Technically, the government regulates its use. However, almost everyone who completes a paraquat safety course can spray as much as they want. Paraquat is very effective. It also becomes completely inert when it touches soil. Essentially, paraquat is a step up from Roundup. Once weeds become immune to glyphosate, farmers typically use paraquat. Roundup is well-known for its health hazards. Bayer recently agreed to pay $2 billion to cover medical bills for Roundup exposure victims. Since paraquat is even stronger, the risks are even higher.

Paraquat and Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder in which brain cells progressively die. Symptoms of the disease include tremors, rigidity, extreme slowness of movement and impaired balance. Other symptoms such as swallowing and speaking difficulties may be common, and people who are affected may experience non-motor symptoms as well.  Literature has suggested a markedly increased risk of Parkinson’s Disease among those who had exposure to Paraquat. In addition to the physical problems mentioned above, inhalation of paraquat also causes cognitive symptoms which mimic Parkinson’s disease. These symptoms include:
  • Uncontrollable hand tremors
  • Difficulty walking,
  • Involuntary muscle movements,
  • Sleep disruption,
  • Speech impairments,
  • Mood swings, and
  • Urinary difficulties.
All these symptoms make it difficult or impossible to function at work, school, home, or anywhere else.

Damages Available

These victims are entitled to compensation for their economic losses, mostly medical bills and lost wages. Parkinson’s disease care usually costs close to $30,000 per year. Sadly, many of these victims usually cannot work either. At the very least, their productivity is sharply limited. Parkinson’s disease also causes significant emotional distress. This disease is both incurable and degenerative. In other words, it never gets better, and usually gets worse. In defective product claims like this one, substantial punitive damages are normally available as well. These damages deter future wrongdoing and punish companies which callously put profits before people. Punitive damages must be high, because otherwise, these companies would not change the way they do business. Procedurally, many different victims from many different parts of the country usually join forces in these actions. So, assertive representation is very important. Your voice needs to be heard and your story needs to be told. It’s also important to work with an attorney who has substantial resources. These claims are usually like David against Goliath. In the legal world, David usually does not come out on top, unless he has an experienced paraquat/Parkinson’s disease lawyer. Paraquat exposure could cause serious illness. For a free consultation with an experienced personal injury lawyer, contact Napoli Shkolnik PLLC. There is no obligation and we only recover a fee when we win your case.
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