Medical Malpractice Attorneys

Negligence in Prescribing, Administering and Dispensing Drugs

The National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention defines a medication error as "any preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medication use or patient harm while the medication is in the control of the healthcare professional, patient, or consumer." This applies to prescription medication as well as over-the-counter drugs. Such "preventable events" may include mistakes or negligence in prescribing, dispensing, administering medication. A medication error may also be related to a medical misdiagnosis, as a doctor will prescribe the wrong medication based off an improperly identified illness or injury. Drug manufacturers may also be responsible for improper product labeling or packaging. When prescribed and administered properly, prescription drugs can save lives. Over-the-counter medicine can also make a significant difference for patients suffering from certain injuries or illnesses or symptoms of these. If they are not used as intended, however, the results may be catastrophic. Medication errors may lead to serious side effects or even the wrongful death of a patient. In our commitment to help individuals and families who have suffered the harmful effects of medical malpractice, we at Napoli Shkolnik PLLC take on medication error lawsuits for clients throughout New York. If you believe you experienced serious side effects or lost a loved one as the result of a medication error, we can offer you a free consultation. A skilled professional can review the matter to determine how to best assist you.

Types of Medication Errors

Committed by pharmacists, nurses, doctors and other healthcare professionals, the three primary types of medication errors include:

Wrong Medication

This type of medication error occurs when a patient is given, prescribed or recommended the wrong medication. A doctor may misdiagnose the patient's medical condition, prescribing the wrong drug. A nurse or doctor may accidentally pick up the wrong medication off the shelf and administer it to a patient. A pharmacist may misread a doctor's handwriting on a prescription slip or may fill a prescription with the wrong drug. In any of these situations, the patient will end up getting the wrong drug altogether. This can lead to serious side effects, not to mention the fact that the patient's medical condition will likely not improve.

Wrong Dose

Even if a patient is prescribed or given the correct medication, it is possible that he or she may be given the wrong dose. This can occur in prescription medicines if a doctor, nurse or pharmacist administers or dispenses the wrong dose or gives a patient incorrect instructions about the dosage amount to take on his or her own. With over-the-counter medication, it is possible that unclear or incorrect instructions on the packaging may lead to an incorrect dose. Too much or too little of a prescription or over-the-counter drug may prove harmful to a patient, leading to serious side effects or an unimproved condition.

Allergy/Adverse Reaction

Doctors have an obligation to fully understand a patient's medical history, including his or her allergies and current medications, based on the patient's chart and medical records, as well as any information the patient has provided upon seeking medical help. If a doctor prescribes or administers a medicine to which a patient has a known allergy or that will react violently to a medicine the patient is already taking, this may be considered a form of medical malpractice.

Free Case Review: New York Medical Malpractice Attorney

Healthcare professionals of all kinds must exercise due diligence in regard to administering, prescribing and recommending prescription drugs and even over-the-counter medicine. If you suffered injury or lost a loved one because your doctor or pharmacist was negligent, you may have grounds for a medical malpractice lawsuit. To seek justice, you will need to prove that the medical professional acted in violation of accepted standards in terms of your medical care or the way your medication was handled. This can be a highly technical matter. It can also be difficult to face off against a large insurance corporation or medical provider that has a considerable amount of resources to counter your claim. That is where our firm can make a difference. We are not only highly skilled and experienced, with more than 150 years of collective experience, but we have a long history in New York of representing the injured and seeking justice on their behalf. We are known, respected and even feared by our peers and opponents alike. We have recovered more than $3 billion for our clients since 2000 alone and are prepared to see how we can seek the financial compensation you rightfully deserve for the pain and trauma you have had to experience as a result of the medication error that impacted your life. Schedule a consultation with a lawyer at one of our New York law offices to learn more – your initial case review is free and completely confidential.
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