Medical Malpractice Attorneys

Seek Justice with a New York Birth Injury Lawyer

Erb's palsy is a condition that affects the brachial plexus, a bundle of nerves that extends from the neck and shoulder area to the upper extremities. These nerves control the muscles in the arms and hands, so a baby who is diagnosed with Erb's palsy may require extensive treatment, including surgery and physical therapy in order to maximize his or her chances of leading a normal or near-normal life. A potential cause of this serious medical condition is shoulder dystocia, which occurs when the baby's shoulder gets caught behind the mother's pubic bone during delivery. A doctor may contribute to or exacerbate shoulder dystocia by using excessive or misdirected force when repositioning or delivering a baby. When a doctor's mistake or negligence leads to a preventable birth injury, the attorneys at Napoli Shkolnik PLLC are ready to do something about it. We represent families throughout New York in medical malpractice lawsuits against healthcare professionals and medical facilities for birth injuries such as Erb's palsy, cerebral palsy and more. With more than 150 years of collective experience and more than $3 billion recovered since 2000 alone, we have the skill and track record that can make all the difference as we seek justice for the injured. Schedule a free initial consultation with a New York birth injury lawyer at our firm at your earliest convenience to get the insight and information that can help get you started in the right direction.

Types of Brachial Plexus Injuries

There are four types of brachial plexus injuries that may lead to Erb's palsy. The mildest and most common is neuropraxia, which occurs when the brachial plexus nerves are stretched and damaged. Though the nerve impulses may be blocked by swelling in the area or slight damage to the nerve tissue, a newborn may fully recover. A neuroma occurs when the brachial plexus attempts to repair itself and scar tissue forms, preventing the nerves from functioning properly. Because the nerves are not torn, treatment and a full recovery may be possible in as little as three months. A rupture occurs when one or more brachial plexus nerves are torn. An avulsion occurs when the nerves are torn from the point of attachment on the spine. Ruptures and avulsions are the most serious types of brachial plexus injuries. Muscle control and movement in the affected arm may be severely limited or completely impossible. The type of treatment and its success may vary depending on the particular case, though it is possible that surgery and physical therapy may help the newborn regain strength and muscle control.

Symptoms of Erb's Palsy

One of the most easily visible symptoms of Erb's palsy is a limp arm. A baby may wiggle and move around but one arm will by lying at his or her side. Other symptoms may include lack of control over arm movements, an inability to use the shoulder or elbow, limp hand and fingers, facial paralysis on the affected side of the body and an inability to sit up, roll over or crawl. Physical therapy and daily exercises can help in mild cases of Erb's palsy to improve joint and muscle function, though surgery will most likely be required in more severe cases to repair or reattach damaged or detached brachial plexus nerves.

Should you file suit? Talk to an attorney at our NYC law office.

If your child developed Erb's palsy as the result of inappropriate delivery actions on the part of a doctor, nurse or other healthcare professional, you can find the insight and guidance you need in a New York medical malpractice attorney at Napoli Shkolnik PLLC. Securing immediate and continued medical treatment for a child with Erb's palsy can be difficult and extremely expensive. With our experience in handling medical malpractice cases involving birth injuries that lead to Erb's palsy and other serious conditions, we will be able to accurately determine whether you have a valid case. Should you decide to file suit, you can rest assured that we will work closely with you to seek fair compensation for physical therapy, surgery and any and all expenses related to your child's care. We realize that the level of treatment your child receives may directly impact his or her ability to regain muscle control, build strength and dexterity and lead as normal a life as possible. Schedule a free consultation to discuss your options and rights.
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