Tag Archives: civil rights

Napoli Shkolnik 2023 In Review: Our Recap of Another Successful Year

Napoli Shkolnik 2023 in Review

Napoli Shkolnik has concluded another successful year of landmark settlements and significant legal action in the areas of environmental litigation, mass tort, and human rights. Among the firm’s accomplishments of…

Patients Seek Justice Against Predatory Doctor

doctor sexual assault

Former Long Island doctor Stuart Copperman thought he had avoided legal responsibility for multiple sexual assaults he committed between 1961 and 2000. Now, seventy-seven of his victims hope to have…

Eye Protection and Injury Prevention in the Workplace

eye injuries protection

Each year, about one million American workers sustain a serious eye injury. Many others develop eye diseases. About 90 percent of these injuries and diseases are preventable. As outlined below,…

Blind Uber Passenger Wins Legal Case

Blind Winds Uber Case

An arbitror ordered the ridesharing company to pay Lisa Irving $1.1 million to compensate her for the economic and noneconomic damages she sustained when drivers repeatedly refused to give her…

Minimum Wage to Inch Up January 1st

Minimum Wage New York

Despite opposition from business groups, a minimum wage increase will take effect as scheduled, after Governor Andrew Cuomo’s office concluded that the coronavirus economic recovery was “not likely to be…