Tag Archives: Bad Drugs

Judge Green-Lights ‘All Natural’ False Advertising Lawsuit

FDA Mulls Food Dye Safety

A U.S. District Judge in New York recently ruled that a plaintiff who claimed Nordic Naturals products aren’t “all natural” could have her day in court. The core claim in…

Melatonin Overdoses Spike Among New York Kids

Melatonin Overdose in New York

Mostly because of the mental effects on COVID-19 lockdowns, melatonin poisoning incidents have increased 600 percent. Sales of melatonin, a hormone which regulates the body’s natural sleep cycle, have increased…

5 Things to Know About Opioid Lawsuits in 2022


As the opioid epidemic continues to ravage communities across the United States, more lawsuits are being filed against pharmaceutical companies for their role in creating and exacerbating the crisis. While…

Who Can Be Held Liable for Defective Medication?

girl with cold and flu reading instructions on med 2021 08 27 12 52 29 utc scaled e1635876375706

Millions of people in America take medication every day to treat different types of illnesses. While most pharmaceutical drugs are safe, there is always the chance of defective medication making…

Did Zantac Cause My Cancer? How to Know

prostate cancer awareness blue ribbon world prost 2021 08 28 12 48 03 utc scaled e1635875965527

Zantac is one of the brand names of ranitidine, a generic medicine. It’s one of the many medications used to treat the symptoms of acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal…

FDA Issues New Xeljanz Warning

FDA Xeljanz Warning

For the third time in two years, the Food and Drug Administration has issued a safety warning about Pfizer’s powerful and popular arthritis/UC medicine. The latest warning is the strongest…

FDA Finds Cancer-Causing Agent in Metformin

FDA Cancer Metformin

The sudden recall of a popular diabetes drug because of NDMA contamination (cancer-causing agent) creates a cloud over the Food and Drug Administration’s entire review process. Time-Cap Labs Inc.’s generic…

Warned: Non-Medical COVID-19 Treatment Producers

Deceptive Drug Claims

The Federal Trade Commission and Food and Drug Administration recently told seven companies to either stop selling certain products or revise their claims. In a mass letter to Vital Silver,…

Medtronic Recalls Faulty Insulin Pumps

Medtronic Recalls Faulty Insulin Pumps

After evidence of a possible life-threatening defect came to light, Medtronic, the medical device giant issued an immediate recall for its MiniMed Insulin Pumps. The recall covers over 300,000 devices…