FAQs About Tepezza

In January 2020, after a brief investigation, the Food and Drug Administration approved Tepezza for sale in the United States. This drug treats thyroid eye disease, a rare condition also…

Exactech Lawyers

Most people who got next-generation Exactech ankle, knee, or hip implants believed these artificial joints would restore mobility, last a long time, and have few of the side-effects associated with…

Jet 7 Catheters

FDA Has Second Thoughts About the JET 7 Catheter Less than a year after it declared the gadget was safe, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a Class I…

Elmiron® Lawsuit Lawyers


For many years, pentosan polysulfate, known for its band name Elmiron®, has been one of the most commonly-prescribed drugs for patients struggling with Interstitial Cystitis, a rare and extremely painful…

Zantac Injury Attorneys

Zantac Injury Attorneys

WE ARE NO LONGER ACCEPTING ZANTAC CASES Over-the-counter Zantac (Ranitidine) is already one of the largest-selling antacids in the United States. Annual revenue exceeds $125 million. That market share was…

Dangerous Drugs & Your Rights

Your Rights if Injured by a Prescription Drug or Medical Device Technological advancements in the fields of chemistry, medicine and biology have allowed for the creation of prescription drugs, over-the-counter…

Tenofovir Side-Effects Lawyers

The AIDS epidemic, which was rampant in the United States in the 1980s and 1990s, has largely died down. Better education and more effective preventative measures have contributed significantly to…