Wildfire Lawyers


Each year, about 1,700 fire departments in the Empire State respond to about 4,500 wildfires. Many of these fires cause considerable property damage and personal injury. For example, a 2018…

Trampoline Injury Lawyers

Over the last several years, trampoline injuries have sent more than one million victims to hospital emergency rooms. Most of these victims were children. Their injuries range from first aid-type…

E-Scooter Injury Attorney

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Electric scooters and bikes are an increasingly popular way for pedestrians to get around in crowded urban areas like New York City. These vehicles are very convenient for users, but…

Sex Trafficking Attorneys

sex trafficking

Sex trafficking is a growing epidemic in the United States, and businesses ranging from hotels and motels to truck stops and even airlines are aiding in the spread. Many of…

Firefighter’s Rights

When Firefighters get hurt, they call Napoli Shkolnik

What legal rights do firefighters have if injured in the line of duty Everyone knows that firefighting is a dangerous profession. No one knows that better than the firefighters themselves….

Brain Injuries (CTE)

CTE Claims Against Youth Football Organizations Football is a very violent sport that carries a very high risk of injury, but scientists are just beginning to understand the kind of…