Tag Archives: victims of world trade center

9/11 First Responders and COVID-19

911 First Responder COVID

According to a new study, over half of 9/11 first responders with coronavirus also develop the mysterious and disabling condition known as Long COVID. Researchers found that responders with chronic…

What to Do If Your CPAP or BiPAP Machine Has Been Recalled

sleep apnea diagnostic medical device kit 2021 04 03 00 11 28 utc scaled e1626904419482

Chronic respiratory diseases such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and asthma affect millions of people worldwide. To date, there are around 235 million people living with asthma all over…

9/11 Related Illnesses

911 Related Illnesses

Mesothelioma, an aggressive and rare form of heart-lung cancer, is probably the most common health effect of asbestos exposure. The minimum mesothelioma latency period is around twenty years. So, many…

Nationwide 9/11 Anniversary Commemorations To Attend

New York City 9-11 Memorial

With the 17th anniversary of the attacks on 9/11 tomorrow, there will be numerous commemorative ceremonies honoring the victims and those brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice…

3 More Ways To Remember 9/11 In New York City

New York City 9-11 Memorial

This article is a continuation of 5 Ways to Remember 9/11 in New York City  The month of September 2018 will be full of observances, solemn ceremonies, and anniversary events…