Tag Archives: Insurance Claims

Terms to Know for a Personal Injury Claim

Terms to Know for a Personal Injury Claim

Sometimes, it’s hard to understand basic personal injury claim terms like tortfeasor and negligence. Like all attorneys, we sometimes speak in Legalese. That’s the language we learned. Furthermore, many of…

The Official Car Accident Report is Inaccurate. What Should I Do?

The official police report is inaccurate - what should I do?

An erroneous police accident report could adversely affect an injury claim. In New York, this report is usually admissible as evidence, if “the report is made based upon the officer’s…

What’s the Difference Between a Personal Injury Settlement and a Court Award? 

What's the difference between a Settlement and a Court Award

Technically, there’s no difference between a court judgment and an out-of-court settlement. The judge must approve both a jury’s verdict and an out-of-court settlement. However, as outlined below, some significant…

Can I Get Workers’ Compensation Benefits and a Personal Injury Settlement from the Same Injury?

Workers' Compensation Benefits and Personal Injury Settlement Possible?

Yes, but as you may expect, it’s complicated. New York, like most other states, has an exclusive remedy law. This law states that in most cases, injured workers must file…