Staying Safe During Halloween

halloween safety tips the mitchell agency

Halloween is here, and if you are a parent, there’s no doubt that your little ghoul or goblin is quite excited about trick-or-treating. Before you grab the pillowcases for candy collection, though, consider these tips for staying safe during this haunted holiday–

  1. Take Action to Prevent Against Pedestrian Accidents

The American Academy of Pediatrics reports that pedestrian accidents are the most common causes of injuries to children during Halloween. In order to reduce the risk of your child being struck by a car, always:

  • Encourage kids to walk in a group – drivers of cars have an easier time seeing multiple children in a pack;
  • Use lights and reflective tape on costumes and trick-or-treat bags (or carry small flashlights);
  • Use sidewalks;
  • Stay on well-lit streets – there’s no reason to go down dark and spooky roads where visibility is poor; and
  • Always cross at a crosswalk and never assume the right-of-way, and always make sure drivers have come to a complete stop and see you before crossing. It can never be said enough, be sure to “look both ways before crossing!” It is worth walking a few extra feet to go to the other side of the street via a pedestrian crossing.

For drivers, it is especially important to be extra careful when pulling out of driveways or garages. Slow down and be particularly alert in residential neighborhoods; popular trick-or-treating hours are 5:30pm to 9:30pm.

  1. Make Sure Kids are Supervised by Adults

Young children should never trick-or-treat alone. If you are not able to trick-or-treat with your child this year, make sure that there is a responsible adult supervising the outing. Adult supervision helps to ensure that kids are protected from getting lost, suffering a pedestrian injury, being alone and without care if they fall or are injured, or being kidnapped or approached by a predator.

It is also smart to remain in an area with which you are familiar. This will make it less likely that someone will get lost.

  1. Choose Safe Costumes

Choosing a costume is one of the best things about Halloween for kids. However, as a parent, you should set some ground rules. These include:

  • Costumes should be age appropriate, as some costumes may create choking hazards for little ones;
  • A child should choose a costume that does not require a mask, as masks can impair vision and therefore increase the risk of a fall – get creative and use face paint instead;
  • If a costume has a cape, make sure that it is short enough that it will not increase the risk of a trip, and that it has an easy release so that if it get’s caught, your child is not at risk of choking/suffocation;
  • If your child’s costume comes with any accessories, make sure they are safe. For example, sharp swords aren’t appropriate.

Have a Safe Halloween!

At the law offices Napoli Shkolnik PLLC, our attorneys hope you have a safe and fun-filled Halloween with your family.

If a child is injured due to the fault of another, please contact us for a free consultation.

*Image: The Mitchell Agency