What is the Domino’s Website Case Really About?

Domino’s Website Case

Recently, the United States Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal regarding a pizza ordering website which was not accessible to blind people.

But the issues in this case go far beyond the victory to disabled people.

In January 2019, a lower appeals court ruled that Domino’s Pizza and other retailers must make their websites accessible to all customers.

Guillermo Robles, a blind person, could not use Domino’s website because the site was not compatible with his smartphone’s screen reader software.

The Supreme Court allowed that ruling to stand, clearing the way for trial in a California district court.

Domino’s and its retailer allies called for a national accessibility standard which would “eliminate the tsunami of website accessibility litigation that has been filed by plaintiffs’ lawyers exploiting the absence of a standard for their own benefit.”

Actions Against Companies

The “tsunami” remark is a dig at attorneys who stand up for victims.

Essentially, Domino’s said that if it did not have to contend with accessibility lawsuits, it could concentrate on making money.

There is nothing wrong, legally or morally, with wanting to make a profit.

However, when companies put profits before people, that’s a major problem.

Here are some examples from the Napoli Shkonlik current case files:

  • Opioids: Crises of this magnitude usually have several causes. Doctors, pill manufacturers, and shipping companies all share some measure of responsibility. Many times, ordinary taxpayers were left holding the bag, and that’s not right.
  • Water Poisoning: Many government agencies and chemical companies used PFOA and other substances that permanently poisoned local water supplies. These entities may not care about the consequences, but we do.
  • Mesothelioma: It is hard to believe that asbestos exposure still causes injuries. But these incidents persist. Many demolition and renovation companies fail to protect workers and passers-by from very tiny, and very toxic, asbestos fibers. There is also evidence that pharmaceutical companies recklessly, or intentionally, put asbestos into cosmetic products.

Generally, defendants are strictly liable for damages in these situations.

Victims only need to establish a causal connection. In New York, that connection is easier to make than it is in some other states.

The Empire State has some very victim-friendly rules when it comes to expert witnesses.

Personal Injury Litigation

Sometimes, individuals show a similar callousness to other individuals. In most years, vehicle collisions rank as the leading cause of injury-related death in the United States.

Many tortfeasors (negligent drivers) are dangerously impaired before they get behind the wheel.

These people know they should not driver, but they do so anyway. Some examples include:

  • Alcohol,
  • Fatigue,
  • Drugs, and
  • Medical condition.

Because these tortfeasors are so callous about the health and safety of other people on the road, damages in these claims are usually rather high.

Other tortfeasors start well but end badly. While behind the wheel, they violate the duty of care.

Some examples include driving while distracted, speeding, and making an illegal turn or lane change.

Frequently, a third party is legally responsible for the victim’s injuries. Respondeat superior is a good illustration.

This doctrine usually applies in Uber driver, truck driver, taxi driver, and other commercial operator accidents. 

Employers are legally responsible for any negligent acts their employees commit during the scope of employment.

All these key phrases and terms are defined in broad, victim-friendly terms.

Vicarious liability theories like respondeat superior are especially important in catastrophic injury crashes.

Many times, individual tortfeasors do not have enough insurance coverage to provide fair compensation in these situations.

Sometimes, corporate responsibility and personal injuries overlap.

Dog bites, falls, and swimming pool injuries are some common premises liability examples.

The law is a bit different in this area, but the bottom line is the same.

That bottom line is usually compensation for economic losses, such as medical bills, and noneconomic losses, such as pain and suffering.

Civil Right/Disability

Federal and state laws place certain vulnerable people into protected classes. Some of these protected classes include:

  • Disability,
  • Age,
  • Gender,
  • National origin, and
  • Race.

All these categories are broadly defined. For example, disability includes more than genetic abnormalities.

Any physical, mental, emotional, or other condition which restricts daily activities is usually a disability.

Official abuse of power is often a problem as well. Too many times, there is one standard of justice for some people and another standard for other people.

In other situations, police officers and other government agents abuse their power.

These things are not right.

If someone else’s action or inaction hurt you, reach out to an experienced personal injury attorney in New York to learn about ways you may obtain compensation and justice.

At Napoli Shkolnik PLLC, we are on your side.