Essential Summer Travel Planning Tips

Summer Plan Tips

Summer is the time for family vacations and grand travel adventures but it is important to take the time to plan for the trip and make all arrangements and necessary preparations.

Here are some of the things you should be keeping in mind while preparing for that big vacation, road trip, plane trip, or other grand travels:

Tips for traveling with special needs or medical concerns

Vacations are a lot of fun, but when you or a family member has a medical condition or other special needs, long trips away from home can come with a whole new list of challenges and things you will need to consider.

With medical conditions such as diabetes, severe allergies, or epilepsy, getting the right care in a timely fashion can mean the difference between life and death.

There are a number of things you can do to help keep yourself and your loved ones safe when medical concerns follow you on your summer travels.

  • Carry ID With You at All Times

Make sure you have ID of some kind that you carry on you at all times.

Also ensure your insurance is up to date and you have all medical cards and papers necessary to ensure people know who you are and who to contact in the event of an emergency. 

  • Get a Medical ID Tag or Bracelet

Medical IDs are essential when traveling with a major medical condition as they are the first way medical responders will know how to help you.

For young children there are shoe lace tags which are great for kids who wander or who are non-verbal. 

  • Keep Emergency Contacts on Hand

When you are traveling, it is a good idea to keep a list of all emergency contact names and numbers and keep it in your purse or wallet.

Doctors, insurance companies, family members ad other important contacts need to be listed and kept close at hand.

  • Make an Emergency Bag to Keep With You

A great tip for traveling with special needs is to have an emergency grab bag.

Here you can keep medicines, clothes, and anything else you may need to address the health or medical concerns you are facing and keep things under control. 

  • Bring More Than Enough Medication

Make sure you bring your medications with you and bring more than what you expect to need.

Travel plans change, flights can be delayed, roads can close due to weather, and you may be away from home longer than you originally planned. 

  • Call Ahead for Medical Service Locations

Traveling away from familiar places comes with certain risks when you have health concerns.

Make sure you call or do your research before you head out so you know where the nearest hospitals, urgent care centers, and pharmacies are.

  • Get Stickers for Your Vehicle

If you are going on a long road trip then a window decal is needed before you head out.

There are alert decals for things such as autism, dementia, and other conditions and can help alert emergency responders that someone in the car has special needs.

  • Do Not Travel Alone

The final thing you can do to keep yourself and your family safe while traveling is to not travel alone.

Even if it is just you and your significant other or family, make sure someone else knows where you are going and when to expect you back home.

Special plans are needed to have a safe and enjoyable trip when you are traveling with special medical and health needs.

These tips can help you and your family enjoy your trip and have a safe and enjoyable time.

And even when medical concerns are not an issue it is important to take steps to ensure you are making plans that keep the kids safe and happy:

Travel With Kids, Keep Your Sanity 

As the world becomes more and more connected and more and more open, there is an ever-growing number of people who are traveling.

Whether by boat, by plane, by train, or by automobile, more people are traveling each year than a decade ago.

And this means more families with younger children are traveling.

This is good for families who are looking to spend time together and make memories, but it also means there are more situations where things can go wrong.

No one likes being stuck in a plane seat next to a screaming three-year-old and no one enjoys a long car ride with a 6-year-old throwing a temper tantrum.

So, we wanted to share some simple tips for making traveling with kids easier and less stressful:

Tip 1– your hands need to be available as much as possible for whatever comes your way.

You will have papers to present as you board your plane, tickets to show at the gate, your hands will need to be free for security check points, and you will need to keep track of your kids at all times as well.

Keep one hand free so you are ready for whatever you may need to do.

Tip 2– help your kids prepare their own goodie bag for the trip.

An easy grab bag to entertain the kids can be a lifesaver.

Bring things that are easy to get through a checkpoint and that will keep them entertained- books, crayons and paper, stuffed toys, and personal electronics with headphones.

You can help save yourself and your fellow travelers from a massive meltdown.

Tip 3– travel without carrying too much.

Your goal should be to travel as light as possible no matter what mode of transportation you are taking for your trip.

It is easier to keep the kids under control and in line when you are not trying to lug around two oversized pieces of luggage per person.

Try to stick to one suitcase per person and one carry on by only packing essentials.

Tip 4– be prepared for those dreaded moments from the kids, and know what you are going to do if a meltdown occurs.

Small children are not as tolerant of pain, long waits, stressful situations, and they also tend to suffer from motion sickness more and also have much less patience.

Do your best to make the trip as easy on them and pant how to diffuse a meltdown.

Tip 5-plan for an easy and convenient way to carry infants and keep up with young children.

A good stroller or carrying pack for infants or a child leash for toddlers may be annoying but in crowded situations.

These tools will help you stay in control of the kids and know where they are at all times. A parent’s worst nightmare is losing their kids so take steps to prevent it.

Tip 6– try to be as prepared as you possibly be for anything.

Bring the necessities and try to think about the most common issues and situations you may face.

Pack first aid supplies, snacks and drinks, and other supplies so that you can be prepared for whatever may come your way.

You can’t plan for it all but you should still do what you can to be prepared.

Tip 7– check your great and lofty expectations in at the door.

There will be difficult times and let downs, these are to be expected when you travel with kids.

The sooner you accept this, the sooner you can make a plan and be ready for those down times.

Consider the individual moments as they happen and try to find the good even in the less than perfect moments. 

Importance of a Passport- The Essential Guide for Travelers

Anyone who travels across the border of his or her home country needs a passport.

It is one of the most important documents you will carry. From carrying your passport to protecting it on your travels, these pointers can help save you time, money, and headaches while on your trip.

1. Keep your passport in a safe place while traveling. Passports and other documentations and IDs should be kept in the carryon bag.

This way they are easily accessible.

Another wise move to make is to leave your passport in a safe place when you are out exploring.

The final option available keeping the passport safe while traveling is that if you do take it with you as you are exploring, do not keep it with your wallet, money, or cards.

2. Make and keep copies of your passport, ID, and other important documents.

Scanning and keeping several copies of my passport should always be one of the items on your checklist for when you are preparing to travel.

Each one can be kept in a different places- your wallet, the hotel room, or your rental.

This way, you will most likely have access to at least a copy of the passport and documents even if the passport is lost or stolen or if your luggage is lost during the flight.

3. Be mindful of pickpocket and thieves.

Just as you would be cautious with your wallet and belonging in a crowd, the same caution and alertness must be maintained when traveling.

Keep your wallet and passport in a safe place if you do take it with you as you tour the area.

Another tip is to be mindful of tricks and scams aimed at getting your belongings.

Do not allow people to distract you for long periods of time, and always be mindful of where your things are and who is around you.

It is important to remember how valuable your passport it.

Without it, you could be stuck in the country you are visiting until things can be sorted out.

Your passport is the most important document you can carry with you when you travel.

Ensuring its safety should be one of your top priorities.  Without it you will be grounded and unable to travel.

Follow these simple tips and pointers to ensure smooth traveling wherever you may be planning to go!

Final Thoughts for Summer Travel Fun

We will be leaving you with some final helpful tips to keep you and your family safe while on your summer travels, whether you are going by boat, plane, or car:

  • Follow all road laws and rules, including speed limits and right of ways
  • Listen to any and all officials you encounter at air ports, train stations, road ways etc
  • Keep yourself hydrated while traveling and remember to eat and take care of yourself
  • If you are traveling overseas do not drink the water unless you are sure it is clean
  • Always wear your seat belt and keep kids buckled or in their cars eats and booster seats
  • Keep an eye out for other cars, semi-trucks, and motorcycles when you are on the road
  • Be ready for bad weather depending on where you are driving to- snow, rain, wind, etc
  • Plan flights with enough of a layover for everyone to get to the transfer without stressing
  • Remember to take any medications you need to and don’t let the new routine throw you
  • Never text while driving and work to reduce other distractions in the car
  • Wear life vests when out on the water or on a boat, even if you’re a good swimmer
  • Enjoy your time as a family and make memories that you all will treasure and remember